
Clearing Skies of pollution, EMF and Geo-Engineered Effects
Restoration of rainfall, sunshine and health without floods or droughts
Powerful Energy protection at home, office, farm and garden

Free NZ shipping inclusive of GST. 60 Day money back guarantee and PDF manuals

*   Restore Natural Weather 3 to 60 km around family and neighbours
*   Reduce abnormally high, dry temperature regulated weather
*   Bring more rain when missing with less flash flooding

Falcon recharging energies on a Natural Harmony Station 22 as it energises land and garden

*   Clear abnormal clouds and chemicals
*   Give our rivers their sparkle back again
*   Increase availability to plants animals and people

Blue Harmony™

Grounded into earth with highly charged structured water Blue Harmony is made in NZ to special specifications to radiate a supportive energy field restoring natural weather and bluesky attracting gentle rain.

Standard Blue Harmony™

Unique features:
*   Orgone geometry construction principles
*   NZ made and custom built for you in our high energy native Harmony forest
*   Activated gemstones, stones and paramagnetic earth resonance minerals of highest quality
*   Potential to alter weather to at least 40km radius with included training in orgone energy
*   Glass water pulse and earth energy balls agnihotra activated
*   Dancing with Water 2nd Edition by Pangman and Evans
*   Flower geometry in your choice of shape and colour
*   Orgone generation chamber sealed in orgone blue

$1,440 inclusive of pre-build consultation, GST, free shipping NZ North and South Islands, NZ Manuals on Blue Harmony and Orgone, 30 minute on-line personal Zoom/phone guidance on installation, 60 day full refund right of return.

Orgone Blue Harmony™

Custom Features include
*   Personal PHI Harmoniser tuning into nature for healing
*   Potential to alter weather to 90km radius with included training in orgone energy
*   Dancing with Water 1/2 cubit Earth Resonance tensor ring
*   Nano tourmaline and negative ion powders

$2,160 inclusive of pre-build consultation, GST, free shipping NZ North and South Islands, Manuals, 30 minute on-line personal Zoom/phone guidance on installation, 60 day full refund right of return.

Intent is Key

Every Blue Harmony has its energy focused on what you want to achieve. We enhance its power for what you want it to do before we ship it. Blue Harmony creators live in and near native NZ forests, lose to nature, close to streams and creeks, continually learning, as did Viktor Schuabuger, Wilhelm Reich, Rudolf Steiner and Nikola Tesla.

Every Blue Harmony is energised for you, ready on their pipes for you to stand in your bucket and add energised ceramics, gemsotones and stones provided, filling with pebbles and water. You will feel your environment, earth, sky and water become healthier, with noticeable changes in clouds and animal behaviour.

Blue Harmony Installation Onsite

Ask us to see if this is an option for you. Click on Email.

Build Your Own Nature Harmony Station 2.0™

Kits as designed and supplied by Urs Wirths following Wilhelm Reich's orgone energy principles. Use your own bucket and pole.

$819 inclusive of GST and free shipping NZ North and South Islands, NZ written construction and Orgone Manuals. This is our lowest cost option, 3km field of action, Online construction help an optional extra, available by Email, Phone, Zoom and Telegram. $99 one hour includes GST and our easy to follow NZ Manuals.

Orgone Plus Power Beam - Agriculture

ucket, agnihotra, crystals, silica, sugar, salt, stones and jars, iodine and deuterium water

54 km+ activation setup focusing on cloud and rain generation, removing stagnation, harmonising environment, keeping all plants and animals healthy.

The Orgone Plus Power Beam - Agriculture Kit gives focus to the Orgone Beam made aand sold by Urs Wirth for on all needs of pastures, crop and stock with much less cost than conventional methods.

$990 1 left in NZ.Price does not include NHS Orgone Beam, remedy kit, GST and shipping NZ North and South Islands, NZ Operational Manual, on-line training, fortnightly contact for 3 months then monthly for a year and 6 month full refund undamaged right of return. Purchase is by Kiwibank payment.

Ask us to see if the above are options for you. Click Email.

Increased Industrial Efficiency

Chemical, Industrial and Farm based processes catalysed for faster processing, higher quality, less energy, less machine wear and less down-time. Our consultation is offered with your chemists, engineers and staff. To see if this is a good fit for your industry click Email.

Nature Harmony Weather Station

Natural Hearmony Station 3.0 in cup on left and an Orgone Beam Radiator
Orgone Plus Power Beam™ on right with Nature Harmony Station 3.0™ with flower in charged cup on left

Large scale activation setup designed to focus on the weather, bringing rain, clouds removing stagnation while harmonising the environment 50km and more in all directions. Includes the full Orgone Plus Power Beam and the Nature Harmony Station 3.0 with 3 more activated glass balls and 3 energy glass nuggets. As made by Urs Wirths.

All Stations are used to strength nature's ability to clear the air and energise its water. They correct man-made affects on weather and are the easiest and most affordable way to start working with the weather and make change. They area one-off cost with minimal maintenance.

Harmonising brings more healthy cloud formation when needed and can reduce temperatures 10°C in very hot climates. In harmonising water, biodiversity increases and fish populations recover. Supportive co-operation happens again between plants, animals, people, air, water and sky.

$2,460 includes an hour of online training, GST, free shipping NZ North and South Islands, NZ User Manual, 30 minute follow-up training after one month, on going NZ support and 60 day full refund right of return.To see if this is best for you click Email.

NHS Nature Harmony Station NHS 3.0™

Nature Harmony Sation 3 in energy ceramic cup and wire flower on top

Multi-functional portable hand-held orgone generator with activated ceramic cup restoring healthy weather to 3km radius and increasing health and energy of everyone and everything with orgone energy

Charges every remedy and adds the energies of any remedy to any cream, tincture, powder, herbal tea, homeopathic tablet or capsule.

Structures energy into water making it a healthy nutrient for every need.

Kit includes 64 treatment remedies to go with your NHS 3.0. For greater levels of healing energy ome are inserted into its hollow interior.

Full Kit: $1,797
Includes a NHS 3.0, GST, free shipping NZ North and South Islands, NZ User Manual, 30 minute training with our Energy Medicine Practitioner, on going support and 60 day full refund right of return. If you have your own NHS 3.0™ made by Urs Wirths we can sync it to NZ energies, giving it focus, providing 64 remedies for $999.
Ask how this can help you. Click Email.

Earth Balls to reactivate Earth Energies

Placed 3 - 5 cm deep in soil each 15mm activated ball energises a radius of 30 metres or more of garden, trees and land. Every polished steel ball glows with activation in agnihotra water. Each is energised with sacred geometries, Orgone Energy Wands and Vortex Energisers above and shungite and gemstones with many enhancements. Place in gardens anywhere and by tired, old and sick plants and trees to give them everything needed to recover.

9 pack for $87
16 Pack for 4+5+7 layout $120

$7 for each additional ball over 16  

Glass Balls Reactivation - Streams and Rivers

Actviated glass ball to go into river pulsing the water with more life and energy

Activated glass balls are charged with specific frequencies that pulse in water. A ball can be placed in streams every 2 - 3 km to activate them. 1 cm in diameter and made with calcium in a special borosilicate glass they harmonise, heal and structure water for long distances; putting life energy into tanks, pond and streams.

Each has been activated in agnihotra water and energised at specific times with sacred geometries, Orgone Energy Wands and Vortex Energisers above and shungite, crystals and gemstones and many enhancements.

$60: 9 activated glass balls

Quartz Stones to Energise Water Tanks, Carafes and Water Eggs

stones that have white streaks in them so they could be heated and activated

Activated stones with white streaks of quartz or calcite can be picked up from rivers throughout NZ. Ours are specially selected for their high quartz content, wood fired then quenched in high energy structured water, soaked in agnihotra and energised with harmony sacred geometries, Orgone Energy Wand, Vortex energisers, shungite, gemstones with many enhancements. A free one plus instructions on how to activate your own stones is included with all products purchased on this page.

$64: 5 stones
16 Pack for 4+5+7 layout $192: 16 stones

$10 for each additional balls over 16

Computer and Mobile Phone Pocket 5G WiFi Protection

Mobile Phonbe Harmoniser

Protection of a Strong Personal Energy Field in deep dark blue leather cases to wear in pocket and place by phone and computer

$80 Mobile Phone
$117 Computer Protection

Energy Clearing of Home and Clinic


EMF Energy Clearing CHI Energy Boosting Copper PHI Harmoniser EMF Energy Clearing CHI Energy Boosting PHI Harmoniser - gold poated EMF Energy Clearing CHI Energy Boosting PHI Harmoniser - silver plated

Clearing EMF, WiFi and dirty electricity effects inside home and office.

Feel more energy and support with household EMF protection. 19 cm wide and 18cm tall based on discoveries of Viktor Schauberger, John Keely and Masaru Emoto creating strong bio-energy fields protecting and healing people, animals and plants that can otherwise be affected by adverse earth, EMF, WiFi, electricity and cosmic energies. Had crafted in golden mean, PHI spiral proportions and filled with proprietary high-frequency water. Silver-plated and gold over silver-plating on the copper or one of each recommended for electro-sensitive people seeking higher and more protected energy levels.

From $486 for your home. Purchase by Email and Kiwibank payment or phone David 0211 22 0910 NZ  

Water Protection DNA Design

Revitalise your plumbing with in-line DNA spiralling in your pipeline, at shower-head, post-filter and through water funnel.

cut open water revitaliser showing twin DNA spirals

Shower of Life Vortex Water Revitaliser

View into top of portable copper Vortex Water Revitaliser, with additional curves like a river below the funnel

Treat all the Water coming into your house without electricity, maintenance and filters to replace.

Click here on Revitalise for Revitalisers

Water Protection Schauberger Design

Vortex Clinic Energisers

Vortex Clearance of water's memories and toxins that filtration doesn't.

No need for your skin, clothes and bedding absorbing carcinogens or the memories water haas of so many other unhealthy things.

Awaken every drop of water in your home. Put the life back in after filtration. Tie alongside your incoming water pipe.

London tap water almost completely empty of liquid crystalline structure before application of Copper Vortex Water Energiser Copper Vortex Water Energiser fitted alongside mains water pipe London tap water almost completely empty of liquid crystalline structure before application of Copper Vortex Water Energiser London tap water almost completely empty of liquid crystalline structure before application of Copper Vortex Water Energiser London tap water almost completely empty of liquid crystalline structure before application of Copper Vortex Water Energiser

Boost the entire energy field in clinics and office, health stores and entire farms and housing complexes - for all plants, clients, animals and residents

Industrial Vortex Water Energiser and Land Energiser

3 - 4 times as potent Vortex Land and Industrial Sized Water Energiser have cooper tubing about 50% greater in diameter and hold about three times the volume of energised, high-frequency water that the standard Vortex Water Energiser has.
Both increase aerobic actions that stimulates compost, health in the soil and can halve plants needs for water and fertiliser.
Keeps ponds fresh and stops the need to empty septic tanks, waste; stimulating compost and fertiliser response in farm, forest and industry.

Water Protection through Natures Design

1.3L Alladin Carafe by Natures Design

Official Copyrighted Nature's Design Logo

Golden PHI Ratio
Affirmation Chakra Glasses
Carafes, Drinking Glasses and 100% Natural Drink Bottles
Zest Energy Plates and Bowls
All with Flower of Life

NaturesDesign Australia
NaturesDesign New Zealand

David Baillie, Awakening Consciousness Coach, Naturopath, Energy Medicine
David Baillie ND, BSc, RBT, RTC
Vortex Energy Consultant - Air, Food and Water
Energy Medicine, Nutrition and Naturopathy
Email: David @ Unity  Conscious. org (no spaces)
Phone: 64 (0) 211-22-0910
Harmony Forest, 239 Waitati Valley Rd, RD 2 Waitati NZ 9085

Its not what you can prove
Its what you can experience
60 Day right of return refund
Experience may not be tangible but we will give
All your money back if you can't
Feel a greater sense of well-being.

Vortex Water Energiser EMF Vortex Air Energiser Vortex Water Revitaliser cup-open to show twin spiral 3 and 4 spiral Vortex Harmoniser Pendants


Visit all our additional shopping sites:,, and All have a deep instructive focus returning energy to you and your environment with the healthy vortex energy.

All information on this website is quotation of personal opinion validated by personal experience only of David and the lead Research Team.

Full Potential of Water Restored

No sharing of email addresses. All prices NZD unless given otherwise.

NZ Orders 5 - 7 Days
60 day guaranteed refund on all products returned in good order.
Tracking emailed.